Prophetic Perspective of Current Affairs

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Gender Genocide in Canada-7: Dealing With Public Schools

Jawed Anwar We will not recommend parents to send their children to public-funded schools of Ontario, Canada (or anywhere in North America) for the reasons given in my various articles on this issue. You can choose anything from home schooling, private, and religious schooling to avoid public schooling.

Why Christian Zionists View Jerusalem as the Beginning of the End

By Yvonne Ridley So here we are again, another week and another fine mess your president has created because, like it or not, Jerusalem affects all of us.

Salahuddin, We Are Ashamed

Jerusalem was lost and regained by Muslims several times in history, first to Crusaders in 1099, regained by Salahuddin in 1187 after the battle of Hattin; lost again to the British when General Allenby entered the city in 1917 and declared:

Seerah Conference 2017 by IONA Canada

By Abu Saad THE month of Rabiul Awwal started and, with this, Seerah conferences started all over North America. This writer attended the first event of the year on the last day of Safar (one day before Rabiul Awwal), Nov 18, in Thorncliffe Park Banquet Center at Toronto. It was organized by Islamic Organization of North America (IONA), founded by late Dr. Israr Ahmed, great teacher and speaker of Quran (tafseer). The Amir of IONA, Imam Mustafa Elturk, key note speaker, visited from Michigan, USA.

MANDELA VISIT: Palestinians and South Africans United in Struggle

Yvonne Ridley NELSON Mandela’s grandson, Chief Mandla Mandela MP, arrived in Palestine on Sunday morning for a historic visit to the nation his grandfather so admired. During his time in Palestine it is expected he will hold several meetings with Palestinian leaders including one with the beleaguered, unpopular 83-year-old President Mahmoud Abbas.

Rational Exoneration of the Prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh)

[Translated from the book "Seerat e Sarwar e Aalam ﷺ", Chapter “The Importance of Prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh)", by Syed Abul A'la Maududi] For a while, close your body’s eyes and open your imaginary eyes, and turn back 1400 years back and see the condition of the world.

Gender Genocide in Canada-6: Home-Schooling / Alternate of Public Education

Jawed Anwar Since 2013, we (Seerah Education Movement) have organized several home-schooling workshops/seminars in our neighborhood in Toronto with the help of Muslim homeschoolers and ICNA local chapter.

Golden Nuggets in the Alternative News Networks

Yvonne Ridley The news which reaches this side of the Atlantic usually revolves around some insulting tweet or the latest weird appointment your president has made from The White House. Donald Trump dominates the news so much, he is the news when it comes to events in the USA and so distracts all meaningful discussion and debate of what is really happening elsewhere in America.

For the Good People of Sutherland Springs

By Yvonne Ridley It seems to be widely accepted now that the biggest civilian threat posed to Americans is ... erm, Americans - angry white guys to be precise.I can't begin to understand exactly how the good people of Sutherland Springs will come to terms with the mass shooting which must have blighted the lives of all who live in the tiny community. With a population of around 600, it's not an exaggeration to say almost every home there must have been affected by Sunday's shooting at First Baptist Church.

Gender Genocide in Canada-5: Masjid-Alternate of Public Education

Jawed Anwar I HEARD from my parent that long time ago in our grandparents’ time, flood inundated our town and water entered homes at the lower plains. Several families had to leave their houses and take shelter in my grandparents’ residence at a higher plain. Such hospitality is the natural way of supporting each other and living together in a town or village.

Torah and Gospel: Revelation of the Advent of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)-The Leader of the World

An Important saying of Jesus, peace be upon him; “And call to mind when Jesus, son of Mary, said: “O Children of Israel, I am Allah's Messenger to you, I verify the Torah which has come before me.” (Quran 61:6) This sentence has three meanings and all three are correct:

The British Royal Black Out

Yvonne Ridley The emergence of Black Lives Matter is an indication of the serious escalation of racism and bigotry in America these days which is obviously felt around the US hence the emergence of the #taketheknee protests. US President Donald Trump might be in denial but it is obvious there is institutional racism in your back yard, but there are equally sinister agendas at play over here in the UK albeit a tad more subtle.

Signs of Prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.) in Quran: Some Important Points

Quran Says; “(O Prophet), you did not recite any Book before, nor did you write it down with your hand; for then the votaries of falsehood would have had a cause for doubt. But it is a set of Clear Signs in the hearts of those who have been endowed with knowledge.” (29:48-49)

Time for All US Muslims to Become Politically Active

Yvonne Ridley OF the many revelations I discovered on my spiritual journey to Islam one that completely blew me away was just how environmentally friendly and green is this great faith. Reading through the pages of the Holy Qur’an, it is abundantly clear that God, as our Creator, made we humans trustees of our beautiful planet.

Gender Genocide in Canada-4: Things to Do

Jawed Anwar History proves that wherever, whenever, Muslims migrated and entered into any country, the darkness of the society started disappearing, and finally light engulfed the whole nation. As Muslims’ presence increased, the light overcame the darkness


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