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Our Gay-friendly Islamic Leadership (3)

Our Gay-friendly Islamic Leadership (3)

Jawed Anwar

AFTER resignation of Dalton McGuinty, Liberal Premier of Ontario, the leadership election of Ontario Liberals was held in 2009. The majority of Muslim liberals voted for Kathleen Wynne. There were few candidates in the race who were adherents of traditional family values. All “others” were rejected by these “Muslim Liberals”.

They also convinced a respectable famous Muslim journalist/columnist of a mainstream media to endorse Kathleen Wynne in the leadership race. It was surprising to note the “intelligent” jouurnalist who analyzed international politics in its true perspective in his columns failed to foresee the social, educational and cultural impact of endorsing Ms. Wynne.   

The question is why and how Mr. Ingar brought back the nation of Lot (Lut A.S.) from the “ruins” and became committed to empower them politically.

He is off-course and not the first one. The senior most person is Mr. Ingar’s political teacher Abdul Hai Patel. He came to Canada in the 1960’s.

One of the Islamic scholars in Thorncliffe Park told this writer, “Mr. Abdul Hai Patel had been living in Thorncliffe Park long time ago. He was among first few Muslims arrived here. He was leading prayer in one of the units at 2 Thorncliffe Park Drive (before building of Masjid Darus Salam). He is not formally Islamic-educated. But he became Imam due to scarcity of educated and learned imams.”

Abdul Hai Patel actively supported and endorsed two politicians at Queens Park --Kathleen Wynne and George Smitherman. Both were openly gay politicians and activists and same-sex married; both worked hard for same-sex marriage legal acceptance and legislation in Ontario.

It worked well and boosted the chance for the 2005 Federal same-sex Marriage Act. These two politicians were all time favorites of Ingar and Patel. In a Toronto City Mayoral election in 2010, they openly supported George Smitherman. Mr. Patel sent his recorded telephonic message to all Torontonians to vote Smitherman, who was contesting against Rob Ford, the most disliked politician of gay community. Mr. Ford, the ex-Mayor, never attended the “gay pride parade”. He always spent the day of the parade with his family. He also threatened and voted not to fund (from city) the Pride Parade. As a result, the liberal media slaughtered his character.

In an issue of November 2010 Aafaq monthly (Urdu), it was reported that Abdul Hai Patel supports Gay Pride Day Parade of Toronto. To make sure his presence in the Pride Day organizing committee, he sent his son to attend the meetings. I asked the reliability of the information from the respected editor and publisher. He confirmed it. There was also no denial of the report from Mr. Patel.

Another interesting point is that both (Ingar and Patel) pretend that they do nothing without consent of the scholars (Ulema) of India and Pakistan. When it was a rumor that Mr. Ingar got “fatwa”/consent of Mufti Saeed Ahmed Palanpuri, Deoband to support a gay candidate, I met Mufti Saeed in IST in a Ramadhan to inquire about it. He said that he was completely unaware of local politics and the system. He said (with anger) that he didn’t know even Indian politics where he lived and never even voted for anyone and said, “How I could give fatwa for Canadian politics?”

Similarly, Mr. Patel uses the good names of Sheikh Usmanis of Pakistan, claiming that he got their blessings.  I am sure when they find out his actual deeds, they will feel faint.

Mr. Abdul Hai Patel is the founder and President of Canadian Council of Imams (CCI). He was President till few years ago. Mr. Abdul Hai Patel is now Inter-Faith Relations In-charge of CCI.

Parent activists in 2015 were surprised to know that the Ontario Education Minister had consent of the radical sex-ed curriculum from Muslim Imams and Leaders (of the Canadian Council of Imams). Later, we came to know that the top leadership of the Council was invited; they met the Minister who explained the curriculum but they (the delegate) kept silence.

What was the reason? Do they not know English language so that they could read the document or understand the presentation? Do they not have English reading understanding ability? Were they unable to understand those terminologies and jargons they use to cover their sex/gender agenda, or is it because of the complete liberalization of the organization? 

The reasons may be all above mentioned or few; the fact is that they kept silent from 2003 to now in gay-ization and building genderless and gender-confused Canadian society. Most of these Imams kept silent from 2003 to now in gay-ization and building genderless and gender-confused Canadian society. No one dare to ask them, “Will you (Imams) and your children and generation be saved after sinking your community in this gutter civilization? Do you have any face to show in front of Allah S.T.? Will the liberal leaders come to rescue you in your graveyard?

Jawed Anwar can be reached at

To be continued...



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