Prophetic Perspective of Current Affairs

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Truth Has Become Un-American
Truth Has Become Un-American
25 May 2017
Views: 942

By Paul Craig Roberts Those of us who have exited The Matrix are concerned that there are no checks on Washington’s use of nuclear weapons in the interest of US hegemony over the world. Washington and Israel are the threats to peace. Washington demands world hegemony, and Israel demands hegemony in the Middle East.

Manchester Massacre: Why They Don't Discuss Root Causes?
Manchester Massacre: Why They Don't Discuss Root Causes?
24 May 2017
Views: 966

By Abubakar N. Kasim Toronto, Canada Words can't describe the magnitude of the horrific tragedy unfolding in Manchester, UK where at least 22 people have lost their lives including innocent children. It shows the barbaric nature of this evil act where even children are not excluded. Don't the evil perpetrators also have kids of their own, I wonder. Nothing can justify this horrific act. No religion, no ideology or even animalistic way of life can condone it no matter what.

Manchester False Flag
Manchester False Flag
24 May 2017
Views: 864

The New York Times, “all the New World Order that’s fit to print,” featured the “signature” numeral 22 in both the headline and subhead – and mentioned the “fortuitous ID” that somehow always turns up to finger the patsies

The Implosion of Western Society (Part 3)
The Implosion of Western Society (Part 3)
17 May 2017
Views: 873

Elder George AN amendment to the proposed new health care bill in the United States requires that prospective health providers do not discriminate against people who have “pre-existing conditions,” which means already diseased people cannot be turned down by a health insurance company.

Islamophobia and anti-Islamophobia: Both to Stop Islam
Islamophobia and anti-Islamophobia: Both to Stop Islam
14 May 2017
Views: 873

Nuh (Noah) (peace upon him) presented Islam to his nation --Tauheed (there is no god but one Allah-- and asked them to surrender to Allah to attain peace (Islam), Risalah (I am a Prophet and Messenger of Allah), and Aakhirah (the end of this world and the Day of Judgement when everyone will be accountable and will be rewarded or punished according to his/her deeds). He said to his nation, “That you may worship (obey) none but Allah or else I fear for you the chastisement of a grievous day.

Palestinian Commitments Lasting a Lifetime
Palestinian Commitments Lasting a Lifetime
10 May 2017
Views: 882

By Yvonne Ridley WHEN I signed my first petition demanding justice for the Palestinian people I was a 13-year-old schoolgirl and it marked the start of what has become a lifetime commitment. From reading about the atrocities of Sabra and Shatila through to personally eye witnessing the aftermath of the Jenin Massacre and climbing on board a boat to break the Siege of Gaza, I thought that little more could shock me as I tried to raise awareness of such breathtaking injustices.

The Implosion of Western Society (Part 2)
The Implosion of Western Society (Part 2)
09 May 2017
Views: 861

By Elder George THE removal of restraints on female behavior provides women of the Western influenced world limitless opportunities to make whoopee as they increasingly and uninhibitedly express their emotions and desires. Even the so called enlightened women with New Age values say with spiritual conviction that right and wrong or good and bad don’t exist. Isn’t that wonderful?

In Support of Donald Trump's Order for Religious Freedom
In Support of Donald Trump's Order for Religious Freedom
08 May 2017
Views: 833

Jawed Anwar I fully support Donald Trump's executive order boosting religious freedom by erasing IRS restrictions against political activities by tax-exempt religious organizations. He announced "no one should be censoring sermons” The order fulfilled a campaign pledge, during a Rose Garden National Prayer ceremony on May 4, attended by religious leaders, activists, and other leaders.

The Implosion of Western Society (Part 1)
The Implosion of Western Society (Part 1)
07 May 2017
Views: 860

Elder George THE past few years has seen a relatively limited posting of essays on my website ( because of what I considered a lack of involvement by the readership. After positing more than 160 essays and not having created much of a following I decided to take a hiatus. Then recently I thought of the advice of a friend who indicated the importance of getting the message out regardless of the immediate response. He said people will take action at the opportune time.

Beyond Feminism: Our Sisters in Islam
Beyond Feminism: Our Sisters in Islam
03 May 2017
Views: 1074

“Surely the men who submit (to Allah) and the women who submit (to Allah), the men who have faith and the women who have faith, the men who are obedient and the women who are obedient, the men who are truthful and the women who are truthful, the men who are steadfast and the women who are steadfast,

Could Marwan Barghouthi be the Ace up Trump's Sleeve?
Could Marwan Barghouthi be the Ace up Trump's Sleeve?
28 April 2017
Views: 824

Yvonne Ridley THE view on Donald Trump's first 100 days from this side of the Atlantic has been a bit like watching a car crash in slow motion. We've had the bombing of Syria and the beating of ever louder war drums towards North Korea, an on-off love in with Russia and China and a few u-turns over Muslim immigration and let's not forget the big, beautiful wall which will probably not be built.

Graffiti Boys of Syria
Graffiti Boys of Syria
13 April 2017
Views: 907

By Yvonne Ridley Around four years ago I was told exactly how the Syrian Revolution began and who started it. After investigating the story I realised it challenges supporters of the Assad regime and silences those conspiracy theorists who blame everyone from the CIA to Mossad, the Saudis and Russian intelligence.

Syria: Planned Genocide and Eviction of People to Expand Israel
Syria: Planned Genocide and Eviction of People to Expand Israel
13 April 2017
Views: 894

Jawed Anwar From the last few years till now, 470,000 people were killed, including 55,000 children in Syria. 13.5 million fled and were displaced all over the world. Among them 6 million are internally displaced. 4.6 million are refugees outside Syria but mostly in neighboring Muslim countries.

Time to Tear Down the Barriers of Fear
Time to Tear Down the Barriers of Fear
08 April 2017
Views: 867

By Yvonne Ridley SO we might never know why someone hired a car and committed the murderous attack on a group of innocent people in London before turning his attentions on a policeman stabbing him to death. And yet the media has delivered a huge goal to Daesh by its round-the-clock coverage examining in minute detail every aspect of the 90 second attack. The first three days, in the absence of any real facts other than the subsequent identities of those killed and how they died, was all speculative.

Accomplishment of the Task
Accomplishment of the Task
09 January 2017
Views: 934

Jawed Anwar Long weekends, holidays, and 2016 have gone. We did everything on these days except the one thing that Allah commanded us to do and for which Allah sent His Messengers (and Books) on earth --warning and glad tidings.