Prophetic Perspective of Current Affairs

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Faith Defeats Technology in Afghanistan
Faith Defeats Technology in Afghanistan
17 July 2019
Views: 983

Jawed Anwar Afghans, the most impaired in technology, defeated three superpowers in a row; Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States of America. All three were most advanced in the technology of their time.

Egypt: Murder of President Morsi & Death of Democracy
Egypt: Murder of President Morsi & Death of Democracy
23 June 2019
Views: 2192

Allowing an ill person to die in prison without medical care is itself a homicidal crime. Such death is never called natural death, rather a deliberate killing. It is indeed a horrendous punishable crime; those who are responsible for it must face the punishment.

The Cost of Independence & the Evil of Surrender
The Cost of Independence & the Evil of Surrender
26 April 2019
Views: 1000

DR FIROZ MAHBOOB KAMAL The most costly enterprise Freedom or independence has never been attained free of cost. It is indeed the most costly entitlement in human life. It needs a sacrifice of money, life and all forms of physical and intellectual abilities. One and half million Algerians needed to sacrifice their lives to attain independence from the French colonial occupation.

The Evils of Enemy and Occupation in the Muslim World
The Evils of Enemy and Occupation in the Muslim World
22 April 2019
Views: 1139

DR. FIROZ MAHBOOB KAMAL The kuffar occupation & the evils Every occupation has its worst calamities. These are much worse than the consequences of disease on physical health. A disease harms only the physical entity. Since it doesn’t damage iman or moral body, doesn’t take anyone to the hellfire. Therefore, it doesn’t harm the infinite life in the hereafter.

Liberals Got Zero in Alberta
Liberals Got Zero in Alberta
21 April 2019
Views: 1162

Jawed Anwar Alberta Liberal Party under the leadership of David Khan didn’t get a single seat in the Alberta Provincial Election held on April 16, 2019. David Khan was elected party leader on June 4, 2017. Mr. Khan was born in Calgary; his father migrated from Pakistan. His mother is an English woman.

Colonization of the Muslim Mind  & the Ideological Surrender
Colonization of the Muslim Mind & the Ideological Surrender
28 March 2019
Views: 918

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal AN invincible immunity is crucial for survival in an environment embedded with millions of lethal bugs and viruses. Hence, the Almighty Allah –the Most Merciful, has blessed every man and woman with an inbuilt system of immunity. An effective defence barrier with high potential cellular and biochemical weapons exist in every part of the body against any invading toxic agents. Similar defensive immunity is also crucial for healthy conceptual or ideological survival of a believer.

Islamic Power and Governance: The Muslims' Forgotten Priority
Islamic Power and Governance: The Muslims' Forgotten Priority
20 March 2019
Views: 961

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The greatest good deed Any good deed; building houses, hospitals, roads and industries for people, is definitely a good deed. Providing jobs, giving charity and protecting men and women from thieves and killers are also laudable good deeds. But the greatest good deed is to release people from the path of hell and guide them towards the path of paradise

Indian Supreme Court Judgment on Homosexuality Death-Knell for Family
Indian Supreme Court Judgment on Homosexuality Death-Knell for Family
02 October 2018
Views: 1027

THE debate on the decriminalisation of homosexuality had not yet died down that the verdict resulting in decriminalisation of adultery has hit the headlines. So with the two “historical” verdicts in September 2018 on Homosexuality and Adultery, the corporatisation of Indian Legal System has almost reached its zenith.

Blasphemy of the Prophet (British India): The Right to Revenge - 3
Blasphemy of the Prophet (British India): The Right to Revenge - 3
06 September 2018
Views: 912

Jawed Anwar The BRITISH government of India didn’t allow any opposition to the government, and saying anything in the resistance of the British government was a criminal act. Today’s so-called champion of “freedom of expression” and democracy --hypocrite West-- never allowed any voice of dissent in any part of their occupied lands. But it was allowed to disgrace and abuse the most sacred personalities of Islam. Their “freedom of expression” only applied if it went against Islam and Muslims.

Blasphemy of the Prophet (in British India)-2
Blasphemy of the Prophet (in British India)-2
03 September 2018
Views: 906

BRITISH occupied India from the Muslims. Although the Indian public, including Hindus, resisted British power initially, a special interest group of high-class Hindus with the support of the British Raj emerged. They made Muslims’ social and religious life miserable. Western orientalists and new Hindu revivalists had been rampantly attacking Islam, its culture, religious practices, and its respected personalities.

Blasphemy of the Prophet: Right to Revenge-1
Blasphemy of the Prophet: Right to Revenge-1
29 August 2018
Views: 1099

MUSLIMS have requested that blasphemy (ridiculing, insulting, disgracing) against Prophet Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and other Messengers of Godï·º be made a punishable crime, felony. UN should declare it a crime and ask every nation to make laws to control it. Muslims have been crying for this for a long time but are still unheard.

Liberalism is a Lost Cause in Pakistan
Liberalism is a Lost Cause in Pakistan
17 August 2018
Views: 953

Omer Bin Abdullah blogger@chaiwhy Prof. T.N.T. Moungbein, chairman of the department of Other Worlds Studies, Muddleburg University, has invited Prof. Vahshat Nashaybaaz, chairman of the department of international studies, University of Streetsville, who specializes in Pakistan studies. The topic of discussion is “Will Liberalism Survive in Pakistan?”

Shall We Allow Subversion of Education, As Was Done In East Pakistan?
Shall We Allow Subversion of Education, As Was Done In East Pakistan?
16 August 2018
Views: 817

 Muhammad Abd al-Hameed THE 18th Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (passed in 2010) entrusted curriculum and syllabi and preparation and publication of textbooks entirely to the Textbook Boards of the provinces. Shall we suffer the same consequences in our provinces as occurred in East Pakistan in 1960’s?

Syrian Rape Victims Reveal Their Stories from the Dark Side
Syrian Rape Victims Reveal Their Stories from the Dark Side
13 March 2018
Views: 871

By Yvonne Ridley WHILE orchestrating genocide against Jewish people, Heinrich Himmler would write home to his wife Margarete and daughter Gudrun portraying his day working for the Nazi regime during World War II as rather unremarkable and quite mundane.

Showing Solidarity with Syrian Sisters
Showing Solidarity with Syrian Sisters
22 February 2018
Views: 890

By Yvonne Ridley I am really frustrated by the way Middle East despots and dictators trash human rights, commit war crimes and genocide while the rest of the largely male-dominated governments signed up to the United Nations look the other way.