Prophetic Perspective of Current Affairs

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Deja Vu as Trump ignores Rohingya

By Yvonne Ridley By the time you read this war could already have started between America and North Korea, such are the precarious times in which we live. Certainly the world moved one step closer to the abyss thanks to sabre rattling from your president, Donald Trump who recently despatched US Air Force bombers and fighter jets to fly off North Korea's coast.

Prophetic Perspective of Jihad and the Doubts of the Modern Mind

There are many misconceptions and misunderstandings created by several non-Muslim scholars, orientalists and authors in their research works. One of the misconceptions which they constantly present is that the religion of Islam is a religion of terror and war and the aim of this religion is to engage its followers and others in the battlefield. This is absolutely a wrong concept about the Deen of Islam. In fact, Islam is the Deen (religion, way and system of life) of peace.

The Toll of Natural Disasters

By Elder George THE greatest hardships experienced in the United States seemingly result from natural disasters such as fire, snow, rain, drought, flooding, tornados and hurricanes. The news media covers these disasters in great depth as it attempts to capture the emotional impact on the populace.

Peace One Day... But will Trump Make the Call?

By Yvonne Ridley I watched with incredulity from my farm in the Scottish Borders as Donald Trump made his first ever speech before the General Council of the United Nations. I knew it would be spectacular but not in this way - it was gross in the extreme.

Materialism-The Common Enemy

By Elder George Bringing about change necessitates having an enemy that can be readily railed against. While any movement requires a positive message to bring about change, the positive message requires direction against a common enemy

Rohingya: Golden History of Arakan (Rohingya) Muslims

ARAKANESE or Rohingya Muslims are indigenous to Arakan. Having genealogical linkup with the people of Wesali (or Vesali kingdom) of Arakan, the Rohingya of today are ancient inhabitants in their land. The earliest people in Arakan were descended from Aryans. They were resembling the people of India-Benga

Right of Self-Determination of Rohingya Muslims and the Responsibility of the Muslim Ummah

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Ethnic cleansing & the only option The massive campaign of ethnic cleansing provides little option for the Rohingya Muslims. Former Muslim majority state of Arakan –now called Rakhine, is being rapidly transformed to a Muslim-free zone. The current regime has proven that they can only offer deaths, rapes, destruction and eviction and no peace or security for the Rohingya Muslims.

Rohingya Muslims Sent Relief to Turkish People in the Balkan Wars

THE solidarity between Rohingya Muslims and the Turks dates back to the First World War, when the former provided material and emotional support to the Ottoman Government, a document released by Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey Fikri Işık showed Friday, September 8.

Rohingya's Wounded Children in Bangladesh

AGENCIES COX'S BAZAR, Bangladesh — The Seven year-old Rohingya boy lies on a broken mattress on the floor of a crowded government hospital, bandages covering the spot where a bullet fired by Myanmar troops tore through his chest a week earlier.

God, Human Suffering and the Believer

By Safi Kaskas HOW do you maintain a sense of faith in a God who claims to be merciful and compassionate, amid the myriad kinds of afflictions, pain, difficulties, setbacks, abuses, losses, and traumas that occur at the individual and collective scales?

Wahi (Revelation): Meaning, Forms and Types

Lexically, wahi means swift and secret instruction, i.e. an inspiration which is made with such haste and speed that none may know it except the inspirer and the one being inspired. As a term, this word has been used for the guidance and instruction that is put in the mind of a man by Allah like a flash of lightning.

Stop the Genocide of Rohingya Muslims, Put Sanctions on Myanmar

Petitioning United Nations General Secretary Antonio Guterres (United Nations General Secretary) and 7 others Share this Petition It is the world’s most silent genocide. So silent, in fact, that even in the unlikely event you have heard about it, it’s more than likely you know only its foggiest details.

ICNA Canada President Writes Letter to PM Canada to Stop Rohingya Muslims Genocide

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P., Prime Minister of Canada, Ottawa Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, May you be blessed with physical, mental and spiritual well-being. I am writing you on behalf of my fellow Canadians, and request you to call on the international community to take an immediate action against the latest horror against the Rohingya Muslims killing thousands.

Take Away Aung San Suu Kyi's Nobel Peace Prize

I would like to add my voice to the Guardian's call to Take away Aung San Suu Kyi’s Nobel peace prize. She no longer deserves it George Monbiot wrote, "Few of us expect much from political leaders: to do otherwise is to invite despair. But to Aung San Suu Kyi we entrusted our hopes. To mention her name was to invoke patience and resilience in the face of suffering, courage and determination in the unyielding struggle for freedom. She was an inspiration to us all.”

No Country for Old Men

Yvonne Ridley Hollywood director Ethan and Joel Coen brought us a thought-provoking movie called No Country for Old Men and, as crime dramas go, it has been difficult to better since it premiered in January 2008 in the UK. The plot focusses on hunter Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) who stumbles across a huge cash find after a drug deal goes wrong. The temptation of easy money is too much and so steals the cash for himself thinking he can get away with the unexpected windfall.


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