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Do Animals Have Rights?

KLYDE was an old camel who had worked hard for many years. He had been faithful in carrying heavy packages for his owner Bar Barak. Klyde was standing under the blazing sun of a scorching day. The camel’s reins were tightly tied to a post. Bar Barak had forgotten to leave any water or grain for Klyde. Besides being thirsty and hungry, Klyde was beginning to feel uneasy. He could hear his owner and the owner’s wife in another of their many arguments. Klyde remembered that he had been beaten many times af

Muhammad (s.a.w.): The only Hope of Mankind

By SHAMIM A. SIDDIQI AT the end of sixth century AD, humanity had lost all the guidance that came from its Creator and Sustainer as how to live, act and behave on earth. There were no human rights anywhere in the world. Under the domination of both the superpowers of the time, the Roman and the Persian Empires, only the ruling class was enjoying rights and privileges. The common man had no rights worth and was treated as serfdom. Women were treated in Christianity as “untouchables.” Under the fold

Our Traditional Educational Systems

Asad Zaman N Orientalism, one of the most significant and influential books of the twentieth century, Edward Said describes how the European project of colonizing the rest of the world distorted all academic knowledge produced about the East (the Orient). The necessity of justifying and providing a moral basis for the loot and plunder of Asia, Africa and the Americas led to the invention of a large number of Western theories which made it impossible to achieve an objective understanding of the East.

Essentials Towards Understanding the Quran & Its Message

Shamim A. Siddiqi 1. What is our position today: Our life is far away from the Qur’an. Reasons * Ignorance of the language of the Qur’an * Non-availability of the Islamic society or environment; * Limited concept of Deen –just limited to some worships, traditions, name and nomenclature and observing some festivals;

The Ideal Muslim & The Ideal Muslimah

Shamim A. Siddiqi Different brothers define in their way that who is an ideal Muslim. Those are the qualifications of a "routine" or a "traditional" Muslim whereas the need is that of an Ideal Muslim and for that we need extra efforts to find out who are they, where they are found, what they constitute, how they can be built, how they live, act and behave, and how they would look like as living human beings in the context of the modern world.

After Becoming Muslim - What Is Next?

Islam is to be understood in the true perspective of the Qur’an and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (S). The condition of the existing Muslims is also to be judged on the same criterion. At present, there are about 1.2 billion Muslims on this earth, but nowhere in the world the Deen of Allah is in a dominant position. This is the greatest tragedy of human history. The Deen that could deliver justice, peace and security to mankind is nowhere visible as a political entity.

Al- Sawm (Fasting) And Its Significance

The month of Ramadan is observed by Muslims throughout the world with all sanctity and reverence that it demands. It is a universal training program prescribed by Allah (SWT) to keep the Muslim intact with their Deen and akin to their Creator and Sustainer on person to person basis. It is a refreshing training course of a month [about 720 hours] that comes every year recurringly, reminding the Muslim men and women that they are the slaves to their Lord everywhere and under all the circumstances in which th


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